Large Collection of ‘Post-Incunabula’ Leaves from Rare Seforim
First Half of 16th Century
Extensive collection of single leaves from sefarim printed over a period of approximately 40 years from shortly after the Incunabula period (which ended in 1500), until the mid-16th century.
Some of the present leaves are from very important and rare sefarim.
Especially noted are the [19] leaves from a rare sefer Tehillim, with the commentary of Rabbi Yosef Chayon of Lisbon, a great Portuguese sage, printed in Salonika in 1522, by Yehuda of the House of Gedaliah.
- [7] leaves from Sefer Rabbeinu Bachya on the Torah, Pesaro 1507. Five leaves are from the beginning of Parshas Bereishis, and two leaves are from the end of Parshat V’Zos HaBracha. Margins lacking. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, no. 4.
- Leaf 58 from Sefer Mishneh Torah of the Rambam Sefer Tahara, Constantinople 1509. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, no. 141.
- [8] leaves and leaf fragments from Sefer Mefasher Chalmin (by Rabbi Shlomo Almoli, later called Pitron Chalomos), Salonika 1515. Removed from a "Binding Genizah" Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, p. 240 in additions.
- Leaves [80-83] from Sefer Abudraham, Fez 1517. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, no. 250 in notes.
- [6] leaves from Sefer Ben HaMelech V’HaNazir, Constantinople 1518. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, p. 227 in additions.
- Leaves [11-15, 126] from Sefer Kol Bo, Constantinople 1520. Text lacking in corners. See Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, no. 246 in notes.
- [19] leaves from Sefer Tehillim with commentary of Radak and Rabbi Yosef Chayon, Salonika 1522. Several double leaves included. Some leaves removed from a "Binding Genizah".
- [4] final leaves from Sefer Nahar Pishon, Constantinople 1538. Some text lacking.
- Leaf 59 from Sefer Piskei Halachos by Rabbi Menachem Recanati, Bologna 1538. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, p. 137 in additions.
- [6] leaves from Machzor Kimcha D’Avishuna, Bologna 1539. Text completion of approximately half a leaf in old handwriting. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, no. 434.
- Final leaf from Responsa of the Rashba Part 1, Bologna 1539. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, no. 266.
Total of approximately [60] leaves and leaf fragments. Various conditions and sizes. Sold as is.