Unpublished Manuscript by Rabbi Yaakov Abukara
Pesach Haggadah with Commentary Maggid Devarav LeYaakov
Tunisia, 19th Century
100-page manuscript of a Pesach Haggadah and its halachos, surrounded by a new and beautiful commentary, with parables and gematrias, titled ‘Maggid Devarav LeYaakov’.
Composed and written entirely by Rabbi Yaakov Abukara, one of the most famous rabbis of Tunisia in recent generations, and among the greatest transmitters of its traditions.
Beautiful handwriting, ready for printing. It begins with a title page (with a frame added in a later period), the author’s introduction follows, and then there is the text of the Haggadah and its commentary.
At the end of the title page, the author signs his name by allusion: "I am small, I fear God An"i [-I am Yaakov]". The author also signs his name "An”i" in the sefer ‘Ben Avraham’ that he printed for his relative Rabbi Avraham Abukara (Livorno 1882).
Over the years the author added more marginal notes. In one of them (leaf 21a) he mentions his sefer of homiletics. On leaf 29b he mentions his sefer ‘Shem Yaakov’.
To the best of Zaidy’s knowledge, this important work has never been printed!
Rabbi Yaakov Abukara (1843-1941), one of Tunisia’s great sages, served as Chief Rabbi of the Portuguese (Grana) community in Tunisia, but due to his Italian citizenship, was not allowed to serve as Chief Rabbi of Tunisia (Hed HaMizrach bulletin, 14 Tishrei 1944, p. 3).
Known as an outstanding darshan who brought many back from sin, he delivered his drashos for about 60 years. As part of his role, he also dealt with community needs and represented Tunisian Jews at important events.
He wrote down parts of his Torah teachings, but they were not printed until today. Among his surviving works are: Shem Yaakov, VeHakeshurim LeYaakov, Nesivoseha Shalom, Mishpat La’Ashukim, Chesed VeEmes, amongst others. He passed away at a very advanced age for that generation – 97 years, and his remains were later brought to burial at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.
Tunisia, approx. second half of 19th century.
Page Count: [8], 31, 37-43, 45-51 leaves, and additional blank leaves.
Total: [100] written pages.
Size: 20.3 cm.
Condition: Good. Holes in margins and some typical signs of use. Nice original binding with red leather spine (slightly damaged).