Eight Sides in the Holy Handwriting of Ben Ish Chai
On Tzaddikim and Their Reward
Baghdad, 1902
In his holy words, the Ben Ish Chai distinguishes between a tzaddik who fulfills his obligations, and a chassid who fulfills acts of piety:
tzaddik’s reward comes to him through kindness and therefore he will receive it in the World to Come.
chassid – the first time he is reincarnated in this world, he is worthy to receive his reward in the World to Come (like the tzaddik), but if he is reincarnated a second time, his reward comes to him by din, and he is worthy to receive the reward for his piety already in this world.
Within his words, the Ben Ish Chai brings a novel interpretation from the fundamental chassidic sefer ‘Arvei Nachal’!
Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, author of ‘Ben Ish Chai’ (1835-1909) was the leader of Iraqi Jewry and the greatest oriental sage of his times. His brilliance and righteousness were apparent from a young age. His eloquent drashos, delivered before thousands, sometimes lasted four or five hours. He was world-renowned for his knowledge of the hidden and revealed Torah and was known for his great sanctity. He authored many sefarim dealing with all topics of the Torah, including ‘Rav Berachos’, ‘Ben Ish Chai’ and many more.
This manuscript is part of a eulogy he delivered for his father in 1902, printed in ‘Kovetz Zera Yaakov’ Issue 51 (Skver 2023).
Eight sides (4 leaves written on both sides) in the holy handwriting of the Ben Ish Chai on graph paper. Size: 11 x 13 cm.
Condition: Good; small loss in one corner; adhesion mark on one leaf.