Letter of Zealous Protest by Rabbi Yeshaya Zilberstein Against Zionism and the Mizrachi Party
Weitzen, 1904
A sharp and emphatic handwritten and autographed postcard by Rabbi Yeshaya Zilberstein, Av Beis Din of Weitzen and one of the leading poskim in Hungary for decades.
The letter deals with the major campaign waged by Rabbi Yeshaya together with esteemed Rabbanim against the Zionist and Mizrachi movements that were spreading in the country.
In his letter, he writes that the Shevet Sofer of Pressburg wrote to him that "he has nothing to do with them at all, " and that the Gedolim of Russia also oppose the aforementioned movements, but "they [the Mizrachi and Zionist movements] pour scorn on anyone who opposes them, and humiliate them.”
Rabbi Yeshaya Zilberstein (1857-1930), Av Beis Din of Weitzen, was the son of the Shvilei Dovid and a leading Hungarian Rabbi who served as Rav of Weitzen for forty-six years. Already in his early youth, he corresponded with the greatest Torah luminaries of his times, among them Maharam Schick and Ma’agalei Tzedek. Throughout his life, he fought to uphold Orthodox tradition and strongly opposed the rising Neolog movement. His written legacy is eternalized in his magnum opus, ‘Ma’ase LaMelech’ on the Rambam.
Weitzen, 1904. All in Rabbi Yeshaya’s holy handwriting, with his initialed signature. Postcard Size: 9 x 14 cm.
Condition: Good; some stains. Fold marks.
The letter was printed, with omissions and minor changes, in the Paks memorial book, Vol. II, p. 158.