
Lot : 50

Halachic Response from Rabbi Eliezer David Greenwald of Satmar Obervisha, 1912

Opening bid: $1,500

Halachic Response from Rabbi Eliezer David Greenwald of Satmar Obervisha, 1912

A letter containing Torah insights regarding the laws of mikvaos according to the approach of the Chasam Sofer and his grandson, the Shevet Sofer.

It was handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer David Greenwald of Satmar, during his rabbinical tenure in Obervisha.

The letter was sent to Rabbi Yom Tov Lipa Goldman of Tzehelim and it was published in ‘Shu"t Keren L’Dovid’ Orach Chaim, Section 180.

At the beginning of the letter, Rav Greenwald also describes how he implemented these laws in practice at his community’s mikvah.

At its conclusion, he blesses the recipient:
"With this, I send my regards to you and your Torah learning, and may it be G-d’s will that we merit both to share and receive good tidings of salvation from now and forevermore. With heartfelt affection and deep regard, sending warm wishes for your well-being, I sign with abundant blessings for great success… Eliezer David Greenwald."

Harav Eliezer Dovid Greenwald (1867 – 1928) was one of the great tzaddikim and disseminators of Torah in his generation. He was the younger brother and disciple of the Arugas Habosem. A chassid of both the Rebbe of Belz and the Rebbe of Shinova, he was renowned for his emotional prayers and drashos and was an avid fighter against those wanting to uproot traditional Judaism. He first served as dayan and rosh yeshiva in Serdheil, Tzehelim and Obervisha, and from 1921, in Satmar. Students traveled to his yeshivah from all over Hungary and it grew to over five hundred students. His chiddushim were published by his disciple and nephew, the Vayechi Yosef of Puppa, in ‘Shu"t Keren LeDovid’ and ‘Keren Dovid’.

Obervisha, 1912. Size: Official letterhead 14.2 x 22 cm.
Condition: Fold marks with holes and a few tiny tears.