
Lot : 20

Pocket-Size Edition Maseches Rosh Hashanah. Shapira Press. Slavita, 1821

Opening bid: $1,000

Pocket-Size Edition Maseches Rosh Hashanah. Shapira Press. Slavita, 1821

Maseches Rosh Hashanah printed in small format by the Admor Rabbi Moshe Shapira, Av Beis Din of Slavita and son of the Admor Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz.

The Slavita Rav printed pocket-size editions of several masechtos of Shas enabling travelers to carry them on their journeys and learn on the way, especially when traveling to the annual fairs in Europe.

These small format gemaras were printed as individual masechtos, and were not printed as a complete set of Shas in this size.

Each amud from the standard, large-format Shas was divided into two and printed on two sides with the Maharsha’s commentary printed on the bottom of the page.

The present pocket-size edition of Shas includes the commentaries of Rashi and Tosfos, Piskei HaRosh, Piskei Tosfos, the Rambam’s commentary on the Mishnah and the commentary of Rabbi Yeshaya Pick Berlin, “Just as how they printed the large-format Shas in our congregation.”

Slavita, 1821. Page Count: [69] 74-88 leaves. Page Size: 21.4 cm. Light green paper, with title page partially in red ink. Condition: Margins of first 4 leaves and last leaf restored with paper filler; stained. New leather binding.