
Lot : 26

A speciel Segulah: Nachalas Zvi by the Gredizher , First Edition - Lemberg  [1873]

Opening bid: $1,800

A speciel Segulah: Nachalas Zvi by the Gredizher , First Edition – Lemberg  [1873]

The sefer Nachalas Zvi contains four parts: Two by Rav Eliyahu Guttmacher, Rav of Greiditz; and two by his son Rav Zvi, who died in his youth:

Rav Eliyahu writes,
“when a person requires a yeshuah from Hashem … he should learn maseches [Kinnim] with Bartenura, Tosafos Yom Tov and my son’s commentary, and should then stand and daven in any language he likes, detailing what he wants.”

A) Nachalas Zvi – Commentary on Shulchan Aruch Even Ha’ezer, by Rav Zvi. With many charts;

b) Ken Meforshes – Mishnayos Kinnim with a long explanation by Rav Zvi;
c) Tzofnas Pa’aneach – Commentary on the cryptic stories related by Rabba Bar Bar Chana, by Rav Eliyahu;
d) Shalom b’Pamalya shel Ma’alah – resolving contradictions between the poskim, by Rav Eliyahu.

Rav Chaim Kanievsky advised many to study the maseches with this commentary, and thousands merited their yeshuah after studying this sefer.

Lemberg  [1873] first edition. Pages: 20; 28; 42; 4. Size: 28 cm. Good condition, attractive copy. Slight moisture stains on the first pages. A crease on one page. Defects in the binding, pasting on the spine for reinforcement.