
Lot : 51

Sefer Eitz Chaim

of the Admorim of

Tosh and Komarna Dynasty. Levov 1865

Opening bid: $10,000

Sefer Eitz Chaim

of the Admorim of

Tosh and Komarna Dynasty. Levov 1865

Sefer Eitz Chaim by the Holy Mekubal Rabbi Chaim Vital talmid of the Ar”i Zt”l. Levuv 1865

Distinguished copy :

1) The signature of the
Admor Rabbi Elimelech Segal of Tosh on the margins of the title page.

2) A rare stamp of the
The Admor Rabbi Meshulam Feish Segal Lowey, Tosh – Canada from his youth in Tehash

3) inscription stating that the sefer belongs to the
Admor Rabbi Pinchos Noson Safrin son of the Admor Rabbi Elozor Tzvi Safrin of Komarna (interestingly the writer inscribed that the gematrya of the names Pinchos Noson ben Elozor Tzvi together with the name of his mother Chana Sara and the word Keser add up to the gematrya of the verse Shema Yisroel…….)

The Admor Rabbi Elimelech Segal of Tosh (1865-1943) famous for his righteousness and holiness, his blessings brought salvation for those in need. He was the son of the Admor Rabbi Meshulam Feish HaLevi of Tosh, the first Admor of Tosh, and son-in-law of Rabbi Yitzchok Aizik Weis Ab”d Swaliva. He was orphaned at a young age and was raised by his brother-in-law the author of Bney Shilashim. He studied by the Yitav Lev of Satmar and by Rabbi Elozor Tzvi of Komarna . He is the grandfather of Rabbi Meshulam Faish Lowey the Admor of Tosh-Canada Zt”l.

The Admor Rabbi Meshulam Feish Lowi (1921 – 2015), was the renowned Admor of Tosh, Canada, known especially for his long devotion-filled prayers. Many flocked to him from all corners of the globe, to stay in his presence and receive his blessing. Rabbi Meir Amsel writes: "… One of the most solid foundations of the Admar of Tosh was prayer… Each and every one of the Admor’s prayers was a chapter in itself of devoted avodah… to instill the love and fear of the Creator in the hearts of all worshipers…"

The Admor Rabbi Pinchos Noson of Ridik son of the Admor Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi Safrin of Komarna (1855-1932)  was famous for his vast knowledge in Kabbala, after the ‘Darkey Teshuvah’ discussed with him Kabbilistic torah he said ‘the Admor of Komarna should be blessed for leaving a son who continues his legacy in kabbala. He served as Admor from 1898 in Ridik, during world war I he moved to Hungary and settled in Nanash.
Levuv 1865. Page count: [1] 99 leaves. Page size: 36 cm Condition: good condition with some water stains. New elegant leather binding.