Tiferes Shlomo by the Radomsker Rebbe, First Print.
A Fundamental Chassidich Sefer
A Beautiful Complete Set – Warsaw [1867-1869]
Explanations and teachings based on Kaballah and Chassidus, by Rav Shlomo Hakohen of Radomsk.
A rare complete set in good condition, two volumes, wide margins, white clean paper.
he Tiferes Shlomo (1803-1866) was one of the greatest Polish Rebbes. His sefer clarifies the Chassidic ways and beliefs, and is considered a basic Chassidic work.
Warsaw [1867-1869] first print.
Part I: Torah and collections (1869, printed after part II): [2], 158, 29, [1]. Part II: Yamim Tovim (1867): [2], 130, 133-151, 153-156.
Two title pages. Good condition. A few light spots on a few pages. Signatures of Polish Jews at the top of Part II.
Stefansky Chassidut 638