
Lot : 84

LeShana Tova Umetuka, B'gashmiut U'bruchniut"
Handwritten signature of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on a letter of blessings - Brooklyn 1972

Opening bid: $1,000
LeShana Tova Umetuka, B’gashmiut U’bruchniut"
Handwritten signature of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on a letter of blessings – Brooklyn 1972

In the letter, the Rebbe blesses with his beautiful and familiar language: "On the occasion of the New Year, which comes upon us and all Israel for good and blessing,
I hereby express my blessing to you and all that is yours, a blessing of Ketiva Vehatima Tova LeShana Tova Umetuka, B’gashmiut U’bruchniut" and signs in his own handwriting: M. Schneerson"

he Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), the seventh in the dynasty of Lubavitch Rebbes. One of the greatest Rebbes of the last generation, his influence spread throughout the world. He was greatly involved in outreach to those distant from Judaism and in mitzvah campaigns to benefit the Jewish people.
Brooklyn, Days of Selichot [1972]. Good condition. Filing holes. Official letterhead, high-quality paper with watermark.