Lot : 24

Sefer Yesod : The Bach’s Glosses on Shas, First Print - Warsaw  [1824]

Opening bid: $1,000

Sefer Yesod : The Bach’s Glosses on Shas, First Print – Warsaw  [1824]

Hagahos Habach, Rav Yoel Sirkish’s glosses on the Gemara, Rashi, Tosafot and Rosh, on all masechtos. These important corrections and notes were copied from the Bach’s

Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod # 69
Gemara (Venice 1529), and were added to all later editions of Gemara.
Warsaw, 5584 1824. First edition, rare. Pages: [1], 88. With the signatures of "Eliezer Lipa Haffenbarg from Warsaw" and "Shmuel Weiller.”