
Lot : 47

Tikunei Zohar, Shapira Press,   Zhitomir  [1863]

With the Approbation of Rav Aharon of Tchernobyl 

Opening bid: $1,000

Tikunei Zohar, Shapira Press,   Zhitomir  [1863]

With the Approbation of Rav Aharon of Tchernobyl 

This Tikunei Zohar follows the corrected version of the Constantinople print, with the Derech Emes comments printed in the margins.

Printed by Rav Chanina and Rav Yehoshua Heshil Shapira, grandchildren of the Slavita Rav.

In his haskamah, Rav Aharon of Tchernobyl praises the printers, the Shapira family, who were his mechutanim.

Zhitomir 5623 1863. [2], 182 Leaves. Good condition. A few stains. Unidentified stamps.

 Original Zhitomir binding with golden imprints. The cover was expertly restored.