Lot : 48

Sefer Yesod: Sefer Hakaneh, Ancient Kabalistic Work - Koretz  [1784]

- Wide Margins 

Opening bid: $1,000

Sefer Yesod: Sefer Hakaneh, Ancient Kabalistic Work – Koretz  [1784]

– Wide Margins 

Sefer Hakaneh, which “Eliyahu Hanavi revealed to a holy person” (from the title page), includes deep Kabbalah teachings and holy Names of Hashem, on parashas Bereishis. It is attributed to
Rav Elkanah ben Yerucham ben Avigdor.
The sefer has the approbations of the leading mekubalim of the time: Rav Moshe Ostrer, Rav Yaakov Yosef of Ostraha and Rav Zvi Hirsh of Zamostadt. The last two approbations are missing in the next edition.

The Sefer’s Segulah
Rav Aaron Halberstam, son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, writes, "we have a tradition that this sefer is a segulah to bring a brachah to one’s home" (from his approbation to the Premishla edition 5644).

Koretz[1784] first edition. Thick and high-quality paper with wide margins. [2], 111. Size: 34 cm. Condition: good-moderate.  holes in some of the pages, especially in the margins. Stains and signs of use. 

Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod  337