Lot : 52


Chochmas Hayad V’Hapartzuf. Jerusalem, 1866

Opening bid: $1,000


Chochmas Hayad V’Hapartzuf. Jerusalem, 1866

Principles for understanding man’s psyche and future through ‘reading’ his palm, face and various limbs.

The title page verso contains a full-page illustration of the palm, along with sketches of all the lines of the hand.

The present work is an abridged version of Rabbi Yaakov of Fulda’s acclaimed Shoshanas Yaakov (Amsterdam, 1706).

Chochmas Hasirtut, the art of reading a person’s face and palm, is an ancient, lost wisdom, which the Ramak describes in his sefer Ohr Yakar as “exalted and vanished”. This expertise is mentioned in sources as early as the Zohar Hakadosh. The introduction to the present work traces it back to the treasures of Shlomo Hamelech which were discovered by the Greek philosopher Aristotle who was appointed by Alexander the Great to sift through his treasure houses. The Arizal was renowned expert in this wisdom, yet Rabbi Shlomo Shlomil recounts in his letters that his master was reluctant to relay this power even to his prime disciple Rabbi Chaim Vital.

Jerusalem, 1866. [1], 15 leaves. Page size: 16.5 cm. 2 handwritten leaves with kabbalistic prayers in Italian script are bound to the front of the book. Good condition. New cloth binding.