Lot : 54

 Collection of Kabbalistic Works and Prayers - Likutim Me’Rav Hai Gaon -, Warsaw 1798, First Edition.

includes the rare folded page of Ilan Sefiros.

 Printed at the Instruction of the Kozhnitzer Maggid

Opening bid: $1,800
 Collection of Kabbalistic Works and Prayers – Likutim Me’Rav Hai Gaon -, Warsaw 1798, First Edition.

includes the rare folded page of Ilan Sefiros.

 Printed at the Instruction of the Kozhnitzer Maggid

The Kozhnitzer Maggid’s writes in the approbation that the sefer was printed from manuscripts in his possession, and he gave them to be printed on the absolute condition that nothing be changed from the original  text.

Complete copy, including the folded page (page 10) containing the rare Sefiros Tree on a folded page which is missing from many copies.

The sefer contains a collection of Kabbalistic works and prayers:
Likutim Me’Rav Hai Gaon on the Name Mem Beis, ;
Sha’ar Hashamayim on the secrets of the Merkavah and Chashmal;
poems on the mitzvos; Rav Avraham of Cologne’s Keser Shem Tov; Rebbi Nechunya ben Hakaneh’s
Tefillas Hayichud; a prayer by Rav Yaakov Yasgova; responsa from the mekubal Rav Ezriel; Sefer Haiyun by Rav Chamai; Rav Yosef Giktilei’s Secrets; “Kuntres Rav Shem Tov ben Hagaon, Mipi Harashba” by Rav Avraham of Cologne.

Warsaw 1798, first edition. Pages: [1], 46. Size: 17.5 cm. Size of folded page: 23.5X17 cm. Moderate-good condition. holes some restored. Tear on the title page with damage to a few words.  Stains and signs of use. Pages not cut straight. Signatures and seals of owners.

Stefansky, Chassidut 305