Two Fundamental Sefarim by the Early Rishonim!
Avodas Hakodesh L’HaRashba and Baalei Nanefesh L’HaRaavad.
First Edition. Venice, 1602
Two primary halachic works by the early Rishonim.
Avodas Hakodesh – Laws of eiruvin, Yom Tov and muktzeh by Rabbeinu Shlomo ben Aderes (Rashba)
Baalei Hanefesh – Laws of niddah by Rabbeinu Avraham ben Dovid (Raavad)
Rabbeinu Shlomo ben Aderes (1235–1310) more commonly known by his acronym, Rashba, was one of the premier Sephardic Rishonim and commentators on the Talmud. The Beis Yosef extols him with the praise, “Pillar of the world; with his light, we see light, ” (Yoreh Deah Ch. 110). He was a talmid of Rabbeinu Yonah and the Ramban, and authored thousands of teshuvos and chiddushim that are universally accepted as cornerstones of halachah.
Rabbeinu Avraham ben Dovid (circa 1125-1199), known as the Raavad, was one of the early Rishonim and commentators on the Gemara, author of the Hasagos on the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah. The Ramban in his preface to Hilchos Niddah L’HaRamban praises the Baalei Hanefesh effusively, explaining that the Raavad preempted him with his sefer.
Venice, 1602. First Edition.
Page Count: 76 leaves. Baalei Hanefesh is printed on leaves 48-75.
Condition: Good, light stains. Professional restoration to the last page. Architectural title page. New elegant half-leather binding.
Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod #239