
Lot : 11

Shemen Hamaor. First Edition Salonika, 1596

Opening bid: $7,000

Shemen Hamaor. First Edition Salonika, 1596

An important and comprehensive commentary on Megilas Esther by Rabbi Aharon Aviov of the sages of Salonika.
Contains the complete Megilah with commentary.
 First and rare edition printed by Rabbi Avrohom of the Bat-Sheva family.
Rabbi Aharon Aviov – one of the sages of Salonika, was a talmid of the Maharshadam and corresponded with him in halacha (see Shem Hagedolim by the Chid”a) from the members of the Maharashach’s Bais Din (see Shu”t Maharashach Vol. 3 Ch.1), who writes about him “a great sage who is worthy of much praises” (ibid Vol. 2 Ch. 120)
The printing house of the Bat Sheva family in Salonika was one of the most important printing houses in Salonika in the sixteenth century, Rabbi Moshe di Medina, the son of the Maharshadam, supported the printing house and provided loans to bring ‘printing tools’ from Italy (as stated on the title page)
Salonika 1596 First edition. Rare
Page count: 96, [2] Leaves.
Size: 20 cm. Decorated title page.
Condition: light restorations on the title page and on the edges of the margins on most pages. New leather binding.
Bibliography: Mehlman, Chapters in the History of Salonika Printing, (Genuzos Sefarim, pp. 73,80)