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Six important grammar books, in 1 Vol. Bomberg Press - Venice 1546

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Six important grammar books, in 1 Vol. Bomberg Press – Venice 1546

Including the first edition of the book ‘Tzachut’ by Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra

These books are fundamental to studying grammar – dikduk of Lashon Kodesh which is essential for a thorough understanding of the Torah and the words of our Sages, and therefore were printed together.

This important edition is the only time these books were printed together, and it was used by great grammarians, such as Rabbi Yedidiah Raphael Norzi, author of ‘Minchat Shai’, Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim, and others.

This excellent edition was printed by the great printer – Daniel Bomberg of Venice. The famous grammarian Rabbi Elijah Bachur endorsed this edition, and some of the books here were printed with his proofreading and additional poems and notes from him.

The volume contains six different works:

1. Marpeh Lashon and Darchei Noam, by Rabbi Moses ibn Habib.

2. Harkava and Pirkei Eliyahu by Rabbi Elijah Bachur Ashkenazi. A corrected and newly proofread edition by the author.

3. Mahalach Shvilei HaDa’at, by Rabbi Moses Kimchi (older brother of Radak), with commentary by Rabbi Elijah Bachur. A very important book, printed about 10 times in the first century of Hebrew printing.

4. Petach Devarai, by an unknown author from the time of the Rishonim.

5.Tzachut B’dikduk, by Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra  First edition. When the book was reprinted in Fürth in 1827, the publisher wrote that despite his searches – he could not find a copy of the first edition (which is before us).

6.. Moznaim, or: Moznei Lashon HaKodesh, by Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra . The important grammarian Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim reprinted the book Moznaim (Offenbach 1791), and wrote about it: "In Hebrew grammar – there is no better book than this."

Venice 1546, Daniel Bomberg Press. First edition of Tzachut by Ibn Ezra. 

Complete copy. Good condition. New, attractive leather binding.

Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod No. 518.