
Lot : 20

Secrets of the Ari in the handwriting of the 'Ben Ish Chai.

Opening bid: $4,000

Secrets of the Ari in the handwriting of the ‘Ben Ish Chai.

A large and rare page containing explanations on verses of Tehilim according to the Kabbalistic secrets of the Arizal. 

The Ben Ish Chai based his explanation on kabbalistic teachings according to the teachings of the Ari brought in Sha’ar HaGilgulim.

An especially large page (33 cm in height), made of thick and quality paper, written in a very early period in the life of the Ben Ish Chai!

Further, he quotes from his father "Ateret roshi, my father my teacher, may his merit protect us" He is Rabbi Eliyahu son of Rabbi Moshe Chaim, who passed away in the year 1859.

Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad author of ‘Ben Ish Chai’ 1835-1909
– the greatest of Eastern rabbis in his generation, for whom no secret was hidden.

From his youth he was known as a genius and holy man. He authored many books dealing with all topics of the Torah: Rav Brachot, Ben Ish Chai, Rav Pe’alim, Ben Yehoyada, Mekabtziel and more.

[Baghdad, approximately the 1860s]. 60 lines in the handwriting of the Ben Ish Chai.
Large page: 22X33 cm.
Good condition. Fold marks, tiny hole in the center.

Among his words, the Ben Ish Chai brings secrets and ‘holy names’ from the words of the holy Ari:
"…when a person has only Nefesh, he has influence only from the name Adona"i,
and when he engages in Torah for its own sake, he also merits the Ruach which comes from the name Hava"ya,
and when he engages in the secrets of the Torah he also merits the Neshama and power and influence will be drawn upon him from the name Ehy"eh,
and when these three names are combined in a person: they will add up in gematria to YaBo"K
and then it will be said of him: ‘O Lord, save! May the King answer us on the day we call!’ – the initials spell YaBo"K…"