
Lot : 22

Rare Letter from the 'Abir Yaakov' father of the famous Abuhatzeira Tzadikim dynasty

Opening bid: $10,000

Rare Letter from the ‘Abir Yaakov’ father of the famous Abuhatzeira Tzadikim dynasty

11 lines in the holy handwriting and signature of the righteous man known for miracles and working wonders, Rabbi Jacob Abuhatzeira of Tafilalet.

The letter deals with community needs – care and assistance for a Jewish woman and her orphans, and it is signed with a term of endearment, using the personal name r:

Letters from him are extremely rare.

The ‘Abir Yaakov ‘ – Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira [1806-1880], famous worldwide as a miraculous and revered man, all his ways and conduct were in complete holiness and piety.

He passed away in Egypt while on his way to the Land of Israel, and his grave became a magnet for the righteous and those seeking salvation.

His influence on Moroccan Jewry and the surrounding area was enormous. Many Moroccan Jews hold feasts on his Yarzeit in his honor, his portrait adorns their homes, and dozens of liturgical poems and songs have been composed about him.

Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira is the father of the famous Abuhatzeira dynasty that continues to this day, and his grandson the Sidna Kadisha ‘Baba Sali’ Rabbi Israel Abuhatzeira, wrote about him: "The famous need no proof, his reputation has spread throughout the world, Zadik Yessod Olam, Or Tamir Vene’elam, Kodesh Hakodashim, Melumad Benissim, my grandfather, Morenu VeRabenu Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira, Zecher Zadik Vekadosh Libracha Lechaiey Olam Haba"..

The author of the famous poem ‘Aufa Eshkona’ is the youngest son of the ‘Abir Yaakov’: Rabbi Isaac Abuhatzeira (Passed away 1912).

[Morocco area, undated]. 11 lines in his holy handwriting, in the local spoken language: Judeo-Arabic.
Size: 13 cm. Good condition, artistic restorations (minimal damage) to a few words.