
Lot : 23

A letter of Yeshuot and Brachot in the holy handwriting of Sidna Baba Sali

Opening bid: $4,000

A letter of Yeshuot and Brachot in the holy handwriting of Sidna Baba Sali

A particularly long and rare letter in the holy handwriting and signature of the miracle-working righteous man, Sidna Kadisha ‘Baba Sali’ Rabbi Israel Abuhatzeira

In the letter he writes of a special trip he needed to make from Israel to Morocco for the sake of a mitzvah, and although he wished not to travel – he is confident and sure in the help of Bore Olam who will help him fulfill his mission.

And so he writes in his pure holy hand:
"Only and just – Yeshuat Hashem Ke’hereff ain""!!

The letter is full of tremendous blessings: "I received your pure letter and was informed of your good health, praise God, may it always be so, Amen, so may it be His will…
May Hashem bring the coming of Mashiach Tzidkenu Bi’mheira be’yameinu Amen, so
may it be His will, this is the true and eternal remedy forever for His blessed name…   
May the Blessed be He complete for us and for you for good and for blessing with the coming of our righteous Mashiach Bim’hera Be’yameinu, so may it be His will. And now, Shalom to you"

And he signs with his full beautiful signature:
"A"h Israel Abuhatzeira, Si"t".

This is an extremely rare letter of unique importance!

Sidna ‘Baba Sali’ -Tzadik Mufla and Melumad be’nissim, Poel Yeshuot, Rabbi Israel Abuhatzeira, Zecher Tzadik LiBracha (1890-1984) -Ish Elokim Kadosh, grandson of the ‘Abir Yaakov’

Known for his wondrous miracles and pure prayers, people from all over the world flocked to him to receive advice and a blessing for salvation, and many were saved through him.

An entire page entirely written in the holy hands of the ‘Baba Sali’, not-dated, was sent to his associate Rabbi Eliyahu Shetrit. It is written partly in Hebrew and partly in Jewish-Arabic.
Size: 13.5X21 cm. In good condition. A few stains and wrinkles.