
Lot : 27

Tosefta Seder Zeraim with the Vilna Gaon’s Annotations. First Edition. Vilna, 1799

Opening bid: $800
Tosefta Seder Zeraim with the Vilna Gaon’s Annotations. First Edition. Vilna, 1799

Tosefta on Seder Zeraim
“with several annotations that I found in a handwritten tosefta that I heard are from the late great genius, the famed chassid Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Eliyahu z”l of our congregation.” The sefer also features lengthy commentary by
Rabbi Yonah ben Rabbi Gershon of Vilna.

This sefer was one of the very first sefarim of the Vilna Gaon to be printed, and it was published approximately a year and a half after his passing. It was also one of the first sefarim printed in Vilna whose printing house was only established that year.

The commentator Rabbi Yonah ben Rabbi Gershon was a dayan and one of the sages of Vilna during that era (see Kiryah Ne’emanah, Rabbi S.Y. Finn. Vilna, 1915 p. 204).

The title page of the present sefer was printed under the title “Tosefta Seder Zeraim”. There are several known copies of this sefer in which the words “Seder Zeraim” in the title are missing.

Vilna, 1799. First edition. Page Count: 122.
Page Size: Approximately 19 cm.
Description: First three leaves and two last leaves have minor restorations at the corners of the margins, with several holes in the book.
Binding: New binding.

Bibliography: Winograd, Otzar Sifrei HaGr”a #279. For more information regarding the Vilna Gaon’s glosses, see R’ Kalman Kahanah L’cheker Biurei HaGra (Tel Aviv, 1957) p. 44 and on.