
Lot : 30

Sefer Yesod: Sefer HaMachria by 'Tosafot Rid', First Edition – Livorno [1779]

Copy of the Chortkov Rebbes

Opening bid: $500

Sefer Yesod: Sefer HaMachria by ‘Tosafot Rid’, First Edition – Livorno [1779]

Copy of the Chortkov Rebbes

Sefer HaMachria, which contains 92 practical halachic rulings on various matters, with ‘Tosafot Rid’ on Masechet Ta’anit, by Rabeinu Isaiah di Trani the Elder, one of the greatest Rishonim in Italy.

In this book, Rabbi Isaiah stands at his full stature, and rules against the great Rishonim (the Rif, Rashi, Rambam, R"I the Elder, and others) on 92 matters in which he believed they ruled contrary to the words of the Gemara, and therefore it was called "HaMachria" (The Decider).

Here, his commentary ‘Tosafot Rid’ on Tractate Ta’anit is printed for the first time.

The author of ‘Tosafot Rid’ –  Rabbi Isaiah the Elder di Trani passed away 1240 , a contemporary of the author of ‘Or Zarua’. He became especially famous for his commentary on the Talmud, called ‘Tosafot Rid’ (R’abbeinu I’saiah d’Trani), part of which is printed here for the first time.

"Who would raise his head and heart against these world Geonim, Hamaor Hagadol Rabbeinu Gershom and the Geonim Rabbeinu Rabbi Alfas and Rambam and Rabbeinu Isaiah of Trani, and no one should err to disagree with them" (Maharam of Rothenburg, Berlin 5651 [1891], ch. 339).

Livorno [1779] First Edition. At the beginning of the book are approbations from the Chida and the rabbis of Livorno and Modena. Page count: 4, 80 leaves. Size: 19 cm. Good condition, few holes.

Bibliography: Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, No. 60.

Distinguished copy: Inscription at the top of the title page
"Nachum Mordechai Friedmann" – he is the Rebbe of Chortkov, son of the holy Rabbi Israel, son of the holy Rabbi David Moshe, son of the holy Rebbe of Ruzhin.
Stamp of his son and successor, the Admo"r
 Rabbi Shlomo’niu of Chortkov.

Typical binding of the Ruzhin dynasty.