
Lot : 37

Sefer Haitur - First Edition - Venice 1608.

One of the Most Important Early Halachic sefarim.

Opening bid: $1,500
Sefer Haitur – First Edition – Venice 1608.

One of the Most Important Early Halachic sefarim.

Sefer Haitur on Hilchot Mamonot, kiddushin and ketubot, by Rabbi Yitzchak ben Abba Mari of Marseille, from Chachmei Provence in the 12th century, contemporary of Rabbeinu Tam and the Rambam.

This book is of immense halachic importance and is cited very frequently in all books of halachic rulings, including hundreds of times in the Tur and by the Beit Yosef!
Its importance stems largely from the fact that it is the earliest and almost the only book in which there appears an extensive collection of early rulings, from both Talmuds and from the rulings of the Geonim.

In this work, many rulings have survived which we have not found elsewhere in halachic literature, and due to its great merit, his opinion is given great importance, and sometimes decisions are made according to his view even against the opinion of many other poskim.

Venice 1608, First Edition. Page count: 110 leaves. Size: 28.7 cm.
Good condition. Few holes. Reinforcement repairs on the title page and the last page. Nice antique binding restored with new spine and corners.
Handwritten inscription on page 2: "This book belongs to me, Shabtai".

Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod 228.