
Lot : 38

Important Halachic Book: 'Piskei Halachot' by Rabbi Menachem of Recanati, First Edition - Bologna 1538

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Important Halachic Book: ‘Piskei Halachot’ by Rabbi Menachem of Recanati, First Edition – Bologna 1538

Contains 601 simanim (sections), briefly compiled from the Psakim of Baalei Tosafot and early authorities in Ashkenaz, France, and Spain.

Composed in the late 13th and early 14th centuries by the Kabbalist Rabbi Menachem of Recanati in Italy – known as ‘Recanati’, author of the Kabbalistic commentary on the Torah.

Besides the book’s importance as an early work of halachic rulings, it is of great significance as it contains several responsa of the Maharam of Rothenburg and the ‘Or Zarua’ that were not printed in their known books, and some of which are not known from any other source.

Bologna 1538. First Edition. Page count: [12], 62 leaves. Size: 18.4 cm. Good condition. Small repair on the title page. New, nice leather binding.

Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod, p. 137 in additions; Article ‘Piskei Rabbi Menachem of Recanati’ by Prof. Simcha Emanuel, in: Annual of Hebrew Law, 25 (2008), pp. 139-198).

In section 70 appears a heart-wrenching ruling attributed to the Maharam of Rothenburg, in which it is ruled that a Jew who is executed for Kiddush Hashem (sanctification of God’s name) should recite a blessing on fulfilling the positive commandment from the Torah of ‘And I shall be sanctified’. This is the only source for this ruling from the period of the Rishonim.