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Tehilim, Extremely Rare, First Edition! - Minsk 1809

Opening bid: $8,000

Tehilim, Extremely Rare, First Edition! – Minsk 1809

Tehilim, with Rashi’s commentary and the "Midrash Chachamim" commentary by Rabbi Pinchas, the Maggid of Polotsk.
Extremely rare book!
One of the first Psalms books printed in the Lithuania and Belarus region

At the bottom of the pages, a wonderful commentary called "Midrash Chachamim" by the Maggid of Polotsk – Rabbi Pinchas, author of "Keter Torah" and a student of the Vilna Gaon – is printed for the first time. He had the privilege of studying with the Gaon for about a year and a half.
The commentary before us is the first printing of this important commentaries on Psalms,

The Vilna Gaon greatly appreciated the Maggid’s commentaries and remarked about one of them that "he reached the truth as the Men of the Great Assembly intended" (testimony of Maharil Diskin).

Rabbi Pinchas, the Maggid of Polotsk, author of "Keter Torah" [5507-5583], was a student of the Vilna Gaon and had the privilege of serving him for some time, as he writes in his introduction: "I was fortunate to serve the true Gaon, the holy light whose glory illuminated the entire earth… Moreinu Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna, of blessed memory."
He further writes that he had the privilege of presenting two of his previous works to the Vilna Gaon, who received them "with great affection and intense love, and they pleased him."

Minsk 1809, First Edition. Size: 20.4 cm. Royal blue paper. Condition: Light artistic restorations. New leather binding. 

Bibliography: Otzar Sifrei HaGra, No. 1578;
See also the important introduction by Rabbi David Kamenetsky to the new edition, Jerusalem 2015.

Provenance: Copy of the important collector Israel Mehlman, owner of "Ginzei Israel, " who wrote on the flyleaf: Yakar Matziot