
Lot : 40

Sefer Yesod: 'Seder HaYom' First Edition - Venice 1599
The first printing of the 'Modeh Ani' prayer!

Opening bid: $2,000
Sefer Yesod: ‘Seder HaYom’ First Edition – Venice 1599
The first printing of the ‘Modeh Ani’ prayer!

Commentary on prayers in drush and kabalah, laws, minhagim and Mussar by the holy Rabbi Moshe ibn Machir, one of the holy rabbis in the holy city of Safed, Reish Metivta in the nearby village of Ein Zeitun.

This book is mentioned many times in the writings of the Shelah, and is cited for practical law in the Magen Avraham.

Here appears for the first time the famous ‘Modeh Ani’ prayer, which was written by the author, accepted by the poskim of all communities, and is recited every morning by millions of Jews!

At the end of the book is the printer’s colophon: "And this was the completion of this awesome book, awesome words coming from the mouth of Aria D’bei Ila’a… in the year ‘And joy shall be found in it’ [5359]".

Venice 1599, First Edition. Page count: 120 leaves. Size: 19 cm. Good condition. Stains. Nice leather binding.

Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod No. 467.
The promise of the holy author to those who follow the order of prayers and customs from this sefer:
"I am assured that one who follows this order and does not depart from it, will be beloved in heaven and by people, and will be successful in all his deeds, and wise in all his ways, and will have long life on earth, and will see children and grandchildren. [from the Authors intrudoction]