
Lot : 50

Letter From Rabbi Moshe Sofer, Rabbi of Tiszafüred, Regarding the Shidduch With the Chasam Sofer Family [1907]

Opening bid: $800
Letter From Rabbi Moshe Sofer, Rabbi of Tiszafüred, Regarding the Shidduch With the Chasam Sofer Family [1907]

“I will be happy to connect with the Chasam Sofer’s family, as my father the tzadik, z”l, was a close talmid of the Chasam Sofer.”

A long four-page letter, in the handwriting and signature of Rabbi Moshe Sofer (1800-1877), Rabbi of Tiszafüred.

In the letter, Rabbi Moshe describes at great length the progress in the shidduch of his daughter Rachel with Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Strasser of Tokaj, a talmid of the Daas Sofer. Indeed, shortly later the shidduch was closed.

Rabbi Moshe describes how he tried to speed up the shidduch by involving his son-in-law Rabbi Shimon Sofer of Szendro. Although he was offered other proposals, he preferred this one because “the bachur is a descendant of the Chasam Sofer, ” and in particular because the bachur is "excellent and perfect in all matters.”

The chassan is the son of Rabbi Akiva HaCohen, Rabbi of Tokaj, a grandson of the Chasam Sofer. He served as Rabbi of Tiszafüred after his father-in-law passed away.
The second part of the letter contains divrei Torah.

Tiszafüred 5667 [1907]. Four pages in Rabbi Moshe’s handwriting and signature. To the best of our knowledge, not printed. Official blank. Size: 22.5X14.5 cm. Very good condition. A few stains.