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Beurei Ba'al 'Terumat HaDeshen' on Rashi – First Edition – Venice 1519

Opening bid: $6,000
Beurei Ba’al ‘Terumat HaDeshen’ on Rashi – First Edition – Venice 1519

Commentaries on Rashi’s commentary on Chamisha Chumshei Torah by Rabeinu haGadol Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin, author of Terumat HaDeshen.

Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin’s explanations on Rashi’s commentary, coming from the school of the early Ashkenazic scholars, were intended to elucidate Rashi’s words.

Although primarily focused on explaining Rashi’s comments, it also includes explanations of verses unrelated to Rashi’s commentary.

Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin (1390-1460), author of Terumat HaDeshen, was one of the prominent early Ashkenazic scholars and a notable figure of the period. He engaged in discussions with the Mahari"l, Mahari Weill and Mahara"m Mintz, who praised him highly.

The Chida writes about the author: “We have heard from HaChassid Rabbi Y.I.L. Katz, son of the Shaar Ephraim said that Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin possessed secret kabbalistic knowledge and in times of trouble and persecution, he performed wonders and saved Israel with his wisdom” (Shem HaGedolim complete edition, 1992, section 402).

Venice, 1519. First edition.
Printed by Daniel Bomberg. Pagination: [17] pages + [1] blank page. Size: 23.5 cm. Condition: Good, with artistic margin repairs and stains. High-quality printing on thick paper, following Bomberg’s fine tradition.