
Lot : 69

Shefa Parnasa": Lechem Shemena by the Holy Rabbi Menashe of Ropshitz, First Edition – Lemberg 1876 

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Shefa Parnasa": Lechem Shemena by the Holy Rabbi Menashe of Ropshitz, First Edition – Lemberg 1876 

Sefer Lechem Shemena – Derashot and Chidushim in the Hassidic way on the Torah and Moadim, by the Admor Rabbi Menashe Rubin of Ropshitz, grandson of the holy Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz.

The majority of the shiurim deal with matters of divine influence of bracha and goodness from heaven upon all of Israel.

In the portion of Korach, he gives a Torah teaching about Shefa and the goodness of the Creator, quoting "my grandfather of blessed memory" – referring to his maternal grandfather, the holy Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz, author of ‘Zera Kodesh’.

The one who brought it to print also testifies in his important introduction: "I remember that during his lifetime he always wanted to bring an abundance of blessing and success, perhaps when they say a teaching in his name, it will also bring an abundance of livelihood and all good to Israel" (this introduction was omitted in the second printing).

Rabbi Menashe of Ropshitz – "The great holy luminary" (in the words of the ‘Divrei Chaim’ of Sanz, Responsa Yoreh De’ah 51), was among the disciples of the holy Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Rimanov. He was the son of the holy Rabbi Asher Yeshaya Rubin, whom the holy Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz took as a son-in-law, following the advice of the Chozeh of Lublin. He passed away in 1861 [5621].

His sons-in-law were giants of Torah and Chassidism, including: the ‘Kedushat Yom Tov’ of Sighet (in his first marriage), Rabbi Yissachar Berish Eichenstein of Vercky, Rabbi Yitzchak Julius son of the holy Rabbi Shimon of Yaroslav.

In this sefer, he also quotes Torah teachings from his father and his brother Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Glogov (son-in-law of the ‘Ohr LaShamayim’).

Lemberg 1876 [5636]. First Edition. Rare. Page count: [20] pages. One title page (there are a few copies with two title pages). Size: 15 cm. Good condition. Tiny tears on the margins of the title page and a few individual pages. New binding. Signature on the title page: "Yehoshua Heshil Friedman".

Bibliography: Stefansky, Hasidic Books, No. 269.