
Lot : 76

Autographed Letters of Blessing by Rabbi Chuna of Kolshitz. Reisha, Circa 1923

Opening bid: $2,000
Autographed Letters of Blessing by Rabbi Chuna of Kolshitz. Reisha, Circa 1923

Letter of blessing autographed twice by the Admor Rabbi Chuna Halberstam of Kolshitz. The item includes two letters with blessings for nachas and success in marrying off children.

“And he shall succeed in all his ways and paths, for goodness and blessing” and “He shall succeed for good, for life and for peace.”

Renowned for his sanctity and purity, the
Admor Rabbi Chuna of Kolshitz Hy”d (1884-1943) was an illustrious scion of the glorious Sanzer dynasty and author of
Divrei Chuna. His great-uncle Rabbi Yeshaya of Chechov, the youngest son of the Divrei Chaim, affirmed that Rabbi Chuna possessed many of his father’s sacred qualities and character traits. He gained repute as a miracle-worker, bringing health and recovery to the ill, causing thousands to flock to his door to seek his blessing, counsel and salvation.

Throughout his life, Rabbi Chuna yearned that his death be al kiddush Hashem, sanctifying Hashem’s Holy Name like Rabbi Akiva, and indeed, he perished as a holy martyr among six million Kedoshim on Monday, Chol Hamoed Succos, 5703 (1943).

Reisha, undated. Two letters to two recipients, written on the same page and autographed by his holy hand, as well as a few final words of the letter, also written in his handwriting. The letters were written during his period in Reisha, after 1923. Personal stationery. Page size: 23×14 cm. Tear on folds; no missing text.