
Lot : 89

Rare Blessing Letter from the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo Elyashov, Author of the 'Leshem Shevo v’Achlama'

Opening bid: $5,000
Rare Blessing Letter from the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo Elyashov, Author of the ‘Leshem Shevo v’Achlama’

The letter contains warm blessings from the author of the
Leshem for a healthy, good, and happy life, with much joy in all respects according to the wishes of the heart.

At the end of the letter, despite his weakened hand, the author of the
Leshem signed it in his own handwriting: "Blessing you with all the blessings of the Torah from the heart and soul, Sh.B. Shlomo Elyashov."

The revered holy sage, Rabbi Shlomo Elyashov of Drizin, a righteous and ‘Yesod Olam’ tzaddik, and one of the last great Kabbalists (1822-1926), was a descendant of the Ari Hakadosh and Rabbi Shmuel of Ostropol. From his youth, he lived a life of sanctity and piety, dedicating his days to the study of revealed Torah and his nights to the depths of the wisdom of truth.

When his sefer
Leshem Shevo v’Achlama was published, it was said that since the revelation of the Ramak’s writings, no book had elucidated the wisdom of Kabbalah like the
Leshem. Upon his passing, the people of Jerusalem saw a luminous pillar leading him (Yeshurun Vol. 22, pp. 465, 470).

Written in Homel, 1917. A full line in the author’s handwriting and signature of the Leshem, with the body of the letter written in Russian; attached are the original (in Russian) and its English translation.

Size: 13.5X21.5 cm. Condition: Good.

The letter was written in the city of Homel in 1917, where the author fled from his hometown of Shavl due to the threat of the World War. He resided at the home of his son-in-law, Rabbi Avraham Elyashov, father of the renowned Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv.

During his time in this city, Rabbi Yisrael Meir of Radin (the Chofetz Chaim) visited him and remarked: "We build below and aim to reach above, and he [the Leshem] as one who knows the pathways of the higher worlds, builds like the heavens above" (Testimony of Rabbi Aryeh Levin).