
Lot : 92

Holocaust survivors light 'Shabbat candles and Yahrzeit candles' in the Bergen-Belsen 1946

Opening bid: $800
Holocaust survivors light ‘Shabbat candles and Yahrzeit candles’ in the Bergen-Belsen 1946

For in Your holy name You swore to him, that his candle would never be extinguished

A pair of historic letters from Bergen-Belsen

In the first letter, the writer painfully describes: "It’s difficult to express our sorrow when Jewish women come to us requesting candles for lighting in honor of Shabbat or for Yahrzeit, and we have none in our camp to fulfill their requests.
For women ‎–‎ the candles for lighting in honor of Shabbat or for Yahrzeit ‎–‎ it’s a great matter, and a sign of their devotion to the Jewish faith!!"

The letter had its effect, and in the second letter before us, the rabbis of ‘Adat She’erit Yisrael’ in Bergen-Belsen confirm the receipt and distribution of candles for lighting when accepting the Holy Shabbat.

These letters testify a thousand times over of the burning Jewish soul that beat in the pure hearts of these righteous women, and the radiant light of the Shabbat candles they lit in the camp with devotion, which burns and illuminates with precious light until our generation – – –

Bergen-Belsen, [1946]. Details of the letters:
  • A long two-page letter with much information, from Rabbi Yoel Meir Potashvitz, secretary of the ‘Bergen-Belsen’ Yeshiva [January 25, 1946].
  • A letter from ‘Adat She’erit Yisrael’ in Bergen-Belsen, signed by R. Yaakov Bornstein and R. L. Einhorn [March 1, 1946]
  • An additional letter from the representative of the ‘Beit Yaakov’ movement in Bergen-Belsen, Mrs. Chaya Windler, and the Agudath Israel representative R. Aryeh Einhorn, confirming the receipt of necessary aid packages for Beit Yaakov girls staying in the camp. [April 5, 1948]. At the bottom of the letter is a large red stamp: "Beit Yaakov, Bergen-Belsen", in Hebrew and English.
A total of [3] letters, sent to London to Rabbi Yitzchak Zvi Smiatitzky, one of the heads of the "Torat Emet – Schneider" Yeshiva in London. Good condition, slight tears. One letter is slightly worn, and appears to have been sent by special messenger rather than by mail.
Proceeds of the sale of this lot will be contributed to an orphanage institution in Eretz Yisrael