Large and Impressive Volume with Four Sifrei Yesod: Pesikta Zutra, Mechilta, HaMichlol and HaShorashim. Daniel Bomberg Press. Venice, 1545-1546
Sefer Biurim on Rashi. With a Map of Eretz Yisrael and Illustration of Menorah First Edition Venice, 1593
Sefer Leshon Limudim with Shekel Hakodesh Kushta, 1542 Rare Remnant of Spanish Poetry from Time of Expulsion
Seder Tefillah for the Five Fast Days Impressive Leather Binding with Imprints and Clasps Amsterdam, 1726
First Siddur in the World with Rulings from the Chida! Siddur Tefillah Zakah First Edition. Livorno 1789 Exceptionally Important and Rare!
"And You, Hashem, are my Protector": Prayers of Protection for Travelers - Handwritten on Parchment Germany, 18th Century
Unpublished Manuscript by Rabbi Yaakov Abukara Pesach Haggadah with Commentary Maggid Devarav LeYaakov Tunisia, 19th Century
Sefer Yesod: Autographed Copy of Rabbi Wolf Loewe, Author of Shaarei Torah Tur Choshen Mishpat Part II, Derishah U'Perishah Frankfurt am Main, 1716
Kresi Uplesi Special Copy, Personally Given by the Author Rav Yehonasan Eibeshitz to His Talmid! Sefer Yesod. First Edition. Metz, 1763
Fascinating Rare Document with Signatures of the Torah Giants of Warsaw - Rabbi Shlomo Eiger, Rabbi Moshe Lifshitz (Father-in-law of the Ger and Kotzk Dynasty), Rabbi Chaim Davidson and Others Warsaw, 1811
Eulogy in the Holy Handwriting of the Tiferes Yisrael Rabbi Yisrael Lifschitz, Av Beis Din of Danzig Danzig, 1841
Extremely Rare!! A Complete Letter from Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried, Author of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch! To the Holy Rav of Daash, Author of Ma'aglei Tzedek
"May Hashem be with you and open your heart to Torah" Halachic Rulings for Pesach in the holy handwriting of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld Jerusalem, 1887
"And Aharon was Silent": Awe-Inspiring Letter from Rabbi Shmuel Rosenberg of Unsdorf Following His Son's Passing to Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger, Author of 'Lev HaIvri'
Autographed Letter of Blessings for Healing by Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov.Only Thirty Days Before His Passing! 1905
“Our livelihood should come through permitted means, with dignity.” An Interesting and Rare Letter in the Holy Handwriting of the Miracle Worker Rabbi Moshe Yosef Hoffman, the Dayan of Papa
Letter of Zealous Protest by Rabbi Yeshaya Zilberstein Against Zionism and the Mizrachi Party Weitzen, 1904