Urim VeTumim by Rabbi Meir Arama.
First Edition. Venice, 1602
Commentary on the Sifrei Nevi’im of Yeshayahu and Yirmiyahu, by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Arama, son of the ‘Baal HaAkeida’ Rabbi Yitzchak Arama.
First printing of the commentary. It was later reprinted within the famous large Mikraos Gedolos edition ‘Kehillos Moshe’, Amsterdam 1724.
In this present work, the author explains several times the words of his great father, the author of the ‘Akeida’.
Distinguished copy:
On the title page and back appear royal stamps of the Ruzhin dynasty: The holy Rabbi "Shlomo Friedman" who is the Admor Rabbi Shlomo of Sadigura, son of the Admor Rabbi Avraham Yaakov, the first Rebbe of Sadigura, son of the holy Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin.
At the bottom of the title page is the stamp of his grandson, his daughter’s son, the Admor Rabbi Shlomo Friedman of Chortkov-Tel Aviv (who was named after him).
Rabbi Meir Arama was among the sages of Spain and Portugal in the generation of the expulsion and in his later years lived in Salonika. He was known for his commentaries on the Tanach: "Meir Iyov" on Sefer Iyov, "Meir Tehillos" on Sefer Tehillim, and the present sefer "Urim VeTumim" on Yeshayahu and Yirmiyahu.
Maran the Beis Yosef quotes a halachic ruling from Rav Meir Arama, writing "and his words were good in my eyes" (Orach Chaim section 486).
Venice, 1602. First edition. Page Count: 76 leaves.
Condition: Good, few light stains. Antique binding, from the Ruzhiner Rebbes’ dynasty, with book number label (binding used and slightly damaged at margins).