Rare Valuable Find!
Hamon Rabbah by Rabbi Shlomo Algazi
Constantinople, 1644. Singular Edition
Sefer ‘Hamon Rabbah’ contains references to pesukim from Tanach that have a drasha in Midrash Rabbah or Jerusalem Talmud. At its end is a drasha of three pages on a Gemara in Brachos.
It was composed within twenty days (!) by the extraordinary Gaon and renowned miracle worker, Rabbi Shlomo Algazi the Elder, about whom the Chida writes:
"We have heard awe-inspiring accounts from the elders of the community about the Rav z"l… because he studied Torah purely for its own sake." (Shem HaGedolim, entry ‘Ziknas Shlomo’)
A unique and particularly rare edition of the sefer. Only a few copies are known to exist worldwide!
To the best of Zaidy’s research, this sefer has never appeared in public auctions. It is not found in the National Library and is recorded there and in the Bibliography Institute based on a microfilm from the British Museum copy. Additionally, it does not appear in the Otzar HaChochma database.
Rabbi Shlomo Algazi (1610 – c. 1683) was one of the great 17th-century Sephardic sages of Turkey and Eretz Yisrael whose prolific writings contain countless chiddushim on Shas.
He was born in Turkey and studied under the Maharam di Boton. He spent considerable time in Izmir and was among those leading the fight against Sabbateanism. However, he was forced to flee the city when Shabbtai Tzvi arrived (in 1666) due to being in mortal danger. In his later years, he made aliyah to Eretz Yisrael twice, and ultimately passed away and was buried there.
He authored many sefarim, including ‘Ahavas Olam’ and ‘Yavin Shemuah’, and more.
The Chida greatly revered him and wrote that his analytical genius was unique in his generation.
"The ultimate sage, a man who possesses all virtues, equivalent to the majority of the Sanhedrin." (Rabbi Yaakov Sasportash in his sefer Kitzur Tzitzas Novel Tzvi, page 71a)
"An outstanding Rav and expert in all areas of the Talmud." (Sefer Koreh HaDoros)
Constantinople, 1644. Singular edition. Franco Press.
Page count: [23] leaves.
Size: 20.5 cm.
Condition: Good. The sefer underwent professional restoration: paper completion at margins of title page and several pages, with minimal damage to individual letters. Some stains (mainly on title page). Beautiful new binding.
Bibliography: Yaari, Hebrew Press in Constantinople, #247.