Seder Tefillah for the Five Fast Days
Impressive Leather Binding with Imprints and Clasps
Amsterdam, 1726
Tefillos according to the Sephardi custom for the five fast days: Tzom Gedalya, Asarah Be’Teves, Ta’anis Esther, Shivah Asar B’Tammuz and Tishah B’Av.
The haftarah for Tishah B’av is translated into Spanish verse by verse for descendants of the Anusim (Marranos).
Original leather binding, impressive and attractive!
With decorative metal clasps, gold-colored imprints and gilded page trimming.
Engraved on the front of the binding is the owner’s name: "Natan bar Moshe de Paris."
Amsterdam, 1726.
Page count: 126 leaves.
Size: 16 cm.
Condition: Good. A tear on last two pages and an additional page. Minuscule holes on some pages. Impressive binding (see above) with minor defects.
1. Kedem Auction No. 37 (2014)
2. William Gross Collection, Tel Aviv