Pesach Haggadah: Ma’aleh Beis Chorin
With Magnificent Illustrations
Vienna, 1813
Ma’aleh Beis Chorin Haggadah featuring commentaries by the Alshich, Maharal of Prague, the Kli Yakar and select insights from the Abarbanel.
Featured throughout the Haggadah are eleven beautiful copper-engraved illustrations, rich in detail and spanning a half-page each.
Among the stunning illustrations are: The construction of the cities Pitom and Ramses by the Jewish people; the Ten Plagues; the Splitting of the Red Sea; the Tannaim reclining in Bnei Brak; the ten simanim of the Seder night; and more.
Vienna, 1813.
Page count: 52 leaves, white paper.
Size: 26 cm.
Condition: Good, typical wine stains, a few holes in several pages. New binding.
Provenance: William Gross Collection, Tel Aviv.
Bibliography: Otzar HaHaggados No. 543.