Sefer Yesod: Autographed Copy of Rabbi Wolf Loewe, Author of Shaarei Torah
Tur Choshen Mishpat Part II, Derishah U’Perishah
Frankfurt am Main, 1716
Tur Choshen Mishpat Part II – Sections 186-620 – with the commentaries: Beis Chadash; Perishah (the short commentary) and Derishah (the long commentary).
This is the first edition of the foundational commentary ‘Derishah U’Perishah’ by Rabbi Yehoshua Falk Katz, author of the ‘Sema’, a distinguished disciple of the great Torah scholars in Ashkenaz – the Rema and the Maharshal. His words were extensively discussed by all who came after him and his writings are a cornerstone in halachic literature.
Distinguished Copy: The title page bears a long and beautiful signature of Rabbi Binyamin Wolf Loewe, author of ‘Shaarei Torah’: "Received as a gift from my esteemed uncle, the renowned Rabbi Yehoshua, may he be well. May the Lord grant me the merit to study His holy Torah for its sake. Respectfully, B. Wolf."
Rabbi Binyamin Wolf Loewe, Chief Rabbi of Verbo, author of ‘Shaarei Torah’ (1775-1851), was the son of Rabbi Elazar Loewe, author of ‘Shemen Rokach’. He is known for his major work ‘Shaarei Torah’, which encompasses the fundamental principles covering the entire Talmud.
"His hands are mighty in the battle of Torah, and with his straight intellect, he makes the crooked straight" (words of Rabbi Akiva Eiger).
His uncle, Rabbi Yehoshua, supported him so that he could toil in Torah, and Rabbi Binyamin warmly blessed him in the preface to his sefer ‘Shaarei Torah’ (Vienna, 1821, p. 6).
Tur Choshen Mishpat Part II.
Frankfurt am Main, 1716
Printed by Johann Kelner.
Page Count: [1], 120; 127 pages. Printed at the end of the sefer is "Klalei Dinei Tefisa" of the ‘Sema’.
Size: 32 cm.
Condition: Good. Tears on the edges of the title page (with slight loss in the frame) and on the edges of a few additional pages. Stamps. New, attractive leather binding.
Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod, #156.
Provenance: Kedem Auction (2022)
Rabbi Yehoshua Falk Katz, author of the ‘Sema’ (1555-1614), was one of the great Acharonim, from the ‘great luminaries’ [Shu”t Chasam Sofer, Siman 5]. He headed the yeshiva in Lvov, where Torah and greatness fused as one. Great scholars learned in his yeshiva in Lvov, including: The Shlah, author of ‘Maginei Shlomo’ (grandfather of the Pnei Yehoshua), Rabbi Meir, father of the Shach, the author of ‘Sefer Beer Sheva’, and others.
"Not a single one of his students left without rising to a higher spiritual level – whether becoming one of the great scholars of the generation, a Rosh Yeshiva, an Av Beis Din, a halachic authority, a Dayan, or a community leader – until it was nearly impossible to find a city… in all the Jewish diaspora… that did not have one of his students." (From the preface of the Sema’s son to Derishah U’Perishah, Part Yoreh De’ah).