
Lot : 4


Amsterdam, 1767

Opening bid: $1,500


Amsterdam, 1767

Precise Ezras HaSofer Chumashim
The special Chumash that the Chida recommended for scribes to use!

A particularly accurate set of the five Chumshei Torah, without vowelization, intended for use by Ba’alei Kriah and sofrim.

The Chumash was compiled and meticulously reviewed by Rabbi Yehuda Pisa according to a mehudar Sefer Torah, and was proofread by four different proofreaders!

Unlike regular Chumashim, in this special edition, each page spread (page b and the following page a) is actually one column in a Torah scroll of 42 lines and the early custom of ‘Vavei HaAmudim’ by which every column of the Sefer Torah begins with the letter Vav, is used.

The Chida advised scribes to write a Sefer Torah according to this Chumash, and wrote: "A Chumash was printed in Amsterdam called Ezras Sofer Vavei HaAmudim which is very accurate for writing a Sefer Torah." (Shem HaGedolim)

The well-known Chumashim of Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim, ‘Ein HaSofer’, are based on this present Chumash, as he writes in the introduction to ‘Ein HaSofer’.

The set is bound in five identical Amsterdam leather bindings, with gold engravings.

Bound at the end of Chumash Devarim is the rare calendar calculation chart ‘Luchos HaIbur’, which is missing from many copies.

Amsterdam, 1767-1769.

Page Count:
Bereishis: [12], 64; 26 leaves.
Shemos: [1], 65-119; [2], 28 leaves.
Vayikra: [2], 120-159; [2], 24 leaves.
Bamidbar: [2], 160-215; [2], 16 leaves.
Devarim: [2], 281-264; [8] leaves. On the last leaf is a drawing of a lion, alluding to the publisher’s name.
Size: 19.7 cm.
Condition: Good. Single holes and water stains. Light wear to bindings.

Provenance: William Gross Collection, Tel Aviv.