Exceedingly Rare Letter in the Handwriting of the Kedushas Aharon of Hadas
A beautiful handwritten and autographed letter from Rabbi Aharon Yeshaya Fisch, Av Beis Din of Hadas, the founder of the Hadas Chassidic dynasty and author of ‘Kedushas Aharon’. He was known to be a miracle worker who generated salvations for thousands.
The letter discusses efforts to bring peace amid a dispute in the community of Berety-Ujfalu and the Rebbe writes that he is considering traveling to the city for this purpose.
The Kedushas Aharon often wrote and spoke in a brief and allusive manner, as is evident from his Torah writings. Similarly, in the present letter, he writes in an extremely concise style, explaining that "in these holy days, I have absolutely no free time, but I was compelled to set aside a moment to write briefly."
He signs his name:
"Your dear friend, who sends greetings with love, Aharon Yeshaya Fisch".
Letters from the Kedushas Aharon are exceptionally rare!
Rabbi Aharon Yeshaya Fisch of Hadas and Mátészalka, author of ‘Kedushas Aharon’ (1859-1928) was a great-grandson of the holy Rabbi Yaakov Fisch of Kalov, who according to tradition was blessed with longevity by the Baal Shem Tov, and indeed lived to nearly 120 years.
He was a chassid of the holy Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi Safrin of Komarno and later his son Rabbi Yaakov Moshe.
He established his Beis Medrash in the city of Hadas and was renowned as a holy man and a miracle worker, in addition to his greatness in Torah and Kabbalah. His son and successor, the holy Rabbi Chizkiya, testified about him: "My father, the holy Gaon of blessed memory, toiled in the holy Torah purely for its own sake, enduring hardship, deprivation and poverty…."
Regarding his father’s writings, he states: "Through his writings, he brought and will continue to bring, many salvations for Klal Yisrael, as is well known among our chassidim."
He passed away while immersing in the mikvah in honor of Shabbos in 1928, and the candles he had prepared for Shabbos were lit beside his bedside.
His sefer ‘Kedushas Aharon’ was published in 1938 with the approbations of great Rebbes, and some of his additional writings were published in recent years.
Hadas, circa 1914. Entirely in the Rebbe’s holy handwriting. Size: 14.5 x 23 cm.
Condition: Good, few tiny tears at margins.