
Lot : 61

Mayim Kedoshim. First Edition.
With a Dvar Torah of the Maggid of Mezeritch!
Mezirov, 1790

Opening bid: $2,000

Mayim Kedoshim. First Edition.

With a Dvar Torah of the Maggid of Mezeritch!
Mezirov, 1790

Sefer ‘Mayim Kedoshim’ is a commentary on many masechtos in Seder Kodshim and She’eilos U’Teshuvos, by the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Moshe of Brohilov.

This is a fundamental work on Seder Kodshim, on which very few commentaries were written.

The author was close to chassidic communities, and in his introduction brings a commentary "from the holy writings of the Gaon Rav Dov Ber zt"l", who is the Maggid of Mezeritch, on a verse from Tehillim.

At the beginning of the sefer there is a haskama from Rabbi Yosef Heilprin, Av Beis Din of Berditchev, friend of the Gaon Rabbi Lieber Hagadol of Berditchev.

This rare copy also features a rare haskama by the holy Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon of Shepetovka (which was omitted in some copies), who writes:
"Fortunate is this generation in which this work was revealed among them, and it is proper to spend gold from their pockets in order to establish it in print."

Mezirov, 1790. First Edition.

Page Count: [10], 3-120, [1] leaf.
Size: 30.7 cm.

Condition: General condition good; professional restorations on a few pages. Some headings are slightly cropped. Small hole in about 3 pages. Signs of use.

Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Chassidus, #342; Encyclopedia of Chassidus, p. 127.
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Seder Kodshim is among the most difficult sedarim to learn, and since many of its laws are not practiced in our time but only in the days of Mashiach, many withdrew from engaging in it, and there are few commentaries on it.

The Chofetz Chaim printed the commentary ‘Mayim Kedoshim’ on Masechtos Bechoros and Kerisos, within the collection ‘Asifas Zekenim’ on Seder Kodshim.

Learning these masechtos is very important and auspicious, as the Gemara says in Minchos (page 110a):
"Rabbi Yitzchak said… whoever engages in the study of the Torah of korbanos, it is considered as if he has brought a korban.”