Shabbos Shel Mi
Important Commentary on Maseches Shabbos by Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon Sinigalia
First Edition. Livorno, 1807
Sefer ‘Shabbos Shel Mi’ contains a lengthy commentary on the Gemara, Rashi, and Tosafos of Maseches Shabbos. Printed and bound with it, with a separate title page, is ‘Yaakov L’Chok’ containing additional chiddushim and teshuvos.
Authored by the illustrious gaon Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon Shabtai Sinigalia of Ancona, a leading Italian scholar proficient in all areas of Torah and friend of the Chida.
‘Shabbos Shel Mi’ is regarded as a classic sefer for those studying this masechta, as it serves as a foundation for many fundamental teachings of Torah.
The students of the Maharitz Dushinsky, Rosh Yeshiva of Galanta, testified that "the holy sefer ‘Shabbos Shel Mi’ never left his table when he learned Maseches Shabbos with his holy yeshiva, and he cherished it greatly" (in the publisher’s introduction to the Jerusalem 1970 edition).
In their approbation to the sefer, the Rabbanim of Livorno ask people to increase their contributions and generosity towards the author to acquire his sefer.
Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon Shabtai of Sinigalia (passed away c. 1840), known as "The Rav Shabbos Shel Mi", was a leading Italian scholar and a particularly prolific author. He did not have a rabbinic position and applied himself exclusively to Torah study and the writing of his works. He wrote sefarim on Shas, teshuvos, commentaries and more. Some he printed with his own funds without collecting advance subscriptions and some remain unpublished to this day.
He was held in high regard by the rabbis of his generation. The Chida, who entertained close ties with him, attested in a letter to him that he would bless him every day. (Letters of the Rav Chida, Letter 7).
His published works include: ‘Abir Yaakov’ on Kerisos; ‘Nezir Shimshon’ on Mishnayos, ‘Matas Elokim’ on masechtos Megillah; and more.
Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon was known for his beautiful language, filled with literary flourishes. He named his sefer the original name of "Shabbos Shel Mi" from the story of Rabbi Yehoshua with his students (Chagigah 3a). The initials of the sefer’s name (שש"מ) are also the initials of his name: Rabbi Shimshon Shabtai MiSinigalia.
At the end of the sefer he added omissions, corrections and indexes, and called this section "Motzaei Shabbos".
Livorno, 1807. First Editions of both seforim, printed by the author.
Page Count: Shabbos Shel Mi: [3], 262 leaves; Yaakov L’Chok: 43 leaves.
Condition: Paper repair and light wear to margins of title page and following leaf, small hole in title page without text loss. Some stains. Otherwise – good condition. Fine new leather binding.
Bibliography: Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, p. 74 in additions.