Bris Menucha – An Early Kabbalistic Sefer
First Edition. Amsterdam, 1648
The Source of the "Ninth Hour" Segulah!
The important sefer ‘Bris Menucha’ is an ancient sefer in kabbalah with names of angels, attributed to Rabbi Chamai Gaon. However, some attribute it to Rabbi Avraham bar Yitzchak of Granada, Spain.
The Rama"k writes in his sefer ‘Pardes Rimonim’:
"We will bring further proof from the sefer Bris Menucha, which is a delightful sefer explaining the ten points of the four-letter Name, and from his words it is certainly apparent that they are deep teachings of Kabbalah that were transmitted to him orally through his teachers or from an angel, and are not matters that can be grasped through much study or sharpness of intellect, but rather through a wonderful attainment close to Ruach HaKodesh”.
Rabbi Chaim Vital, in the introduction to his work ‘Eitz Chaim’ writes in the name of his teacher the Arizal:
"The sefer Bris Menucha is true and was written by someone very learned in Torah and wisdom, and he concealed his words in depth. It was written by the soul of an early-generation tzaddik to whom Eliyahu Hanavi revealed himself and taught him."
Great chassidic masters and kabbalists such as the Ramchal and the Vilna Gaon, have quoted from his words. (See Degel Machaneh Ephraim, Parshas Bereshis, in the name of the Baal Shem Tov; also the writings of his student, the Maggid of Mezeritch).
Kabbalistic illustrations appear on the last pages.
Amsterdam 1648. First Edition.
Page Count: 40 leaves.
Size: Approx. 19 cm.
Condition: Good; light stains. Margins slightly cropped on the title page and second page. Owner’s signature on the title page: Rabbi Yaakov Beit of Hamburg.
Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod p. 183 in additions.
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The Segulah of the "Ninth Hour"
The segulah of the “Ninth Hour” which has become popular in recent years, originates from the sefer ‘Bris Menucha’. It is on page 19 in this edition. It states:
"Know that the ninth year is a special year, the ninth month is one of the best months and a month of good-will, and the ninth day of the month is the choicest of the entire month, and the ninth hour of the day is the best hour among the hours of the day…"
During these fateful moments, an incredible abundance of yeshuos is poured into this world. Hakadosh Baruch Hu opens the heavens and sends salvation, joyful events, communal yeshuos and individual ones, Torah, good health, parnassah, zivugim, marital harmony, children, and nachas from one’s children.
The key to the abundance can be found in these moments. Eliyahu Hanavi revealed this from Shamayim and Rabbi Chaim Vital testified to it.