Sefer HaShl"a HaKadosh
Shapira Press. Zhitomir 1856
2 volumes of Sefer Shnei Luchos Habris.
A fundamental work on kabbalistic teachings, ethics, explanations on the weekly Torah portions, and principles of the Oral Torah, authored by the divine kabbalist, Rabbi Yeshaya HaLevi Horowitz, known as the Shla"h HaKadosh.
Printed by the grandsons of the Slavita Rav, Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Shapira.
This edition was printed in a medium format, making it accessible to all, unlike the earlier editions which were published in a large single volume. It was divided into two volumes, both of which are present here in complete form.
Rabbi Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz (circa 1558-1626), renowned as the Shl”a after the acronym of his magnum opus ‘Shnei Luchos Habris’, was renowned throughout the Jewish world for his piety and sanctity. The Shl”a served as Rabbi of the great communities of Posen, Ostroh, Frankfurt and Prague, and his son Rabbi Sheftel Halevi Horowitz in his preface to the Shl”a, writes that “his disciples spread out throughout nearly the entire diaspora.”
In 1622, the Shl”a journeyed to Eretz Yisrael where he was immediately crowned Ashkenazic Rabbi of Yerushalayim and Nasi of Eretz Yisrael. There, he authored Siddur ‘Shaar Hashamayim’ and ‘Shnei Luchos Habris’ on the tenets of Jewish life, mussar, halachah and customs as well as kabbalistic prayers and rites.
‘Sefer HaShl”a’ was enthusiastically received by all Rabbanim and Jewish communities, including Ashkenazic and Sephardic, chassidim and kabbalists, who all viewed this sefer as fundamental to serving Hashem and improving one’s character traits.
Zhitomir, 1856. Page count: Vol. 1: 393 leaves.
Vol. 2: 3, 5-237; 64 leaves.
Size: 22.5 cm.
Condition: Good; light stains (mainly on the corners of the pages in the first part) and slight wear. New bindings.