
Lot : 8

Olas Shabbos
Commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Yoel Ibn Shuaib
First Edition. Venice, 1577

Opening bid: $1,200

Olas Shabbos

Commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Yoel Ibn Shuaib
First Edition. Venice, 1577

"Powerful lectures, based on Chamisha Chumshei Torah, for each Shabbos" (as stated on the title page), by Rabbi Yoel Ibn Shuaib, one of the greatest orators in the generation of the Spanish Expulsion.

Rabbi Yoel was a gifted orator and wrote this work before the expulsion. Some consider the author to be the last darshan of the Spanish sages before the expulsion. (See: Toras HaRetorika VehaShira Shel Ramchal, 1978, p. 10).

First and rare edition of the commentary. (It was not reprinted until 1977).

The sefer’s significance and scarcity were documented as far back as 150 years ago: "Olas Shabbos is a very precious and lofty work with wonderful drushim more valuable than gold… It was printed in Venice in 1577,
and now it is very rare to find." (Shem HaGedolim HaChadash by Rabbi Aharon Walden, Warsaw 1865, Letter Ayin entry 19)

Rabbi Yoel Ibn Shuib (1456-1510) was a Spanish Rabbi, commentator and orator in the era of the Spanish expulsion. He served as Rav in Aragon and Navarre in northern Spain. With the expulsion in 1492, he journeyed to Salonika where he was appointed Rav of the Aragonese community in Salonika. He encouraged the Anusim (Marranos) to not be fearful but to embrace their faith and practice Torah openly.

His written legacy includes ‘Olas Shabbos’ (Venice, 1577), ‘Nora Tehillos’ on Tehillim (Salonika 1569), and a commentary on Eichah that was printed inside Rabbi Avraham Galanti’s ‘Kol Bochim’ (Venice, 1589).

Venice, 1577. First edition. Page Count: [8], 160 leaves.
Condition: General condition good, minor holes, noticeable stains on margins of final leaves. Worn and damaged antique leather binding. Antique signatures.