Fundamental Sefer Chassidus
Maor VaShemesh
First Edition. Breslau, 1842
Two-volume ‘Maor VaShemesh al HaTorah’ by Rabbi Klonimus Kalman HaLevi Epstein, a prime disciple of Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk.
Sefer ‘Maor VaShemesh’ is one of the fundamental sifrei chassidus, both in terms of its content, as well as the sacred teachings, quotes and customs that the author included from his spiritual masters.
In this sefer, Rabbi Klonimus Kalman describes the principal role that the tzaddik plays in chassidus and in annulling evil decrees against the nation. He also discusses the importance of traveling to the tzaddik and the tzaddik’s spiritual force and ability to impact the chassidim who come to be in his presence both spiritually and materially.
Rabbi Klonimus Kalman Halevi Epstein of Cracow (d. 1823) was one of the prime disciples of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk. Following the passing of Rabbi Elimelech, Rabbi Klonimus Kalman began traveling regularly to Lublin to the holy Chozeh of Lublin. Founding a chassidic Beis Medrash in the city of Cracow during the Chozeh’s lifetime, he became one of the primary disseminators of chassidus in Poland, despite being persecuted for his beliefs and teachings.
Breslau, 1842. First edition.
Page Count: Vol. 1: [2], 144 leaves. Vol. 2: [1], 145-277, [2] leaves.
Size: Vol. 1: 23.5 cm. Vol. 2: 22.5 cm.
Condition: Tears restored without loss in the title page of Vol. 1, in the following page, and in a few additional pages. Stains from usage (mainly in Vol. 1); aside from this, good condition. Matching new leather bindings.
The two title pages in the present sefer have a forged date to deceive the censors, with the printing year falsified from the actual year 5602 (1842) to 5545 (1785). The name of the printer, Hirsch Sulzbach, was also omitted, and instead, the falsified text "Printed by Rebbetzin Mrs. Yehudit Rubinstein" was inserted – a fictitious name that never existed.
Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Chassidus #307, Yesod #392
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“…The world was desolate until two great luminaries came into the world – the holy Baal Shem Tov and Rebbe Elimelech [of Lizhensk], may their souls be bound in the bond of life. They opened a gateway to Hashem, through which the righteous may enter…” (Beginning of Parshas Emor).
In another place, the author brings firsthand testimony regarding a question that the holy Rebbe Zusha of Anipoli asked his brother, the holy Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk:
“I was present with them at the time… when I heard my master and teacher, the holy luminary, Rebbe Elimelech, being asked specifically by his brother, Rabbi Meshulam Zusha, in the following words:
‘My brother, teach me how you are able to bring about miracles, wonders, and awesome deeds, so that I too may be able to do so.’
The essence of his response, in brief, was that through the unity, love, affection, and deep bond between the tzaddikim, all the miracles, wonders, and awe-inspiring deeds come into being…” (Beginning of Parshas Balak).