
Lot : 88

Gematrios and Torah Insights in Steipler's Handwriting

Opening bid: $1,800

Gematrios and Torah Insights in Steipler’s Handwriting

Seven pages and scraps of paper in the handwriting of Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, the Steipler, brother-in-law of the Chazon Ish and father of Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l.

Among the pages are:
  • A page containing acronyms for various words: Matzah – mikol tzara hatzeilenu (save us from all sorrow); ma’achal (food) – ki ein machsor liyreyav (those who fear Him won’t lack anything); esrog – al tevoeini regel ga’avah (don’t bring me to conceit); lulav – v’taher libeinu le’avdecha b’emes (purify our hearts to serve You with truth); arvei nachal (aravos) – nafsheinu chiksa laHashem (our souls wait for Hashem’s help), and more.
  • A page that contains pesukim whose gematria is the same as the teaching that Chazal derive from it.
  • Additional notes on various matters: Divrei Torah, selling of sefarim, and jottings that the Steipler wrote during his learning.
Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Kanievesky (1899-1985), known as the Steipler Gaon, was one of the great leaders and gedolim of the last generation and author of ‘Kehilos Yaakov’, a multi-volume Talmudic commentary. He held in high regard the writing of his Chiddushei Torah, investing tremendous effort and sanctity in them. He would immerse in the mikveh before writing them (Orchos Rabbeinu vol. 5 p.235) and designated a pen solely for them. He toiled continuously to clarify the ideas in his writings and meticulously edited and perfected the writing. In the chiddushim in this manuscript, one can also see how much he labored, writing and erasing, adding and changing, while writing the material and preparing it for print.

Bnei Brak, c. 1960-1980. [7] pages and notes, all in the Steipler’s handwriting. Various sizes.
Condition: Good overall condition; stains.