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Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Tikkun Haklali.

Prague, circa 1665

Tefillos and Selichos for Minchah on Erev Rosh Chodesh with Yiddish commentary and translation by Rabbi Nosson Chazan of Prostitz.

The only known copy in...


Auction ends: 21/01/2024 00:00:00

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The Story:

This is the first time that the tefillos for Yom Kippur Katan like the custom of the Ashkenaz Kehiloth that are recited today, were printed on their own. (The order of Selichos and tefillos for Yom Kippur that were published earlier in Italy under the name Mishmeres Erev Rosh Chodesh and Shaarei Dimah etc. included entirely different selichos and techinos than those printed here.)

Yom Kippur Katan Prayers The custom of reciting special prayers on Erev Rosh Chodesh is mentioned already in the sefarim of the Rishonim. However it was the kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Cordova (the Rama”k) who initially instituted Yom Kippur Katan well practiced until today.

The Pri Chadash (Orach Chaim Ch. 417) writes: “There are men of good deeds who fast every Erev Rosh Chodesh because of the waning of the moon… “Rabbi Moshe Cordova called it Yom Kippur Katan because it was the day that one would gain atonement for the entire month…” The custom gained popularity over the years, the Steipler Z”l encouraged to recite the tefillos of Yom Kippur Katan and it is said in his name, that reciting these tefillos have the power to annul difficult decrees.

This rare edition was recorded only once – 340 years ago – in sefer Sifsei Yesheinim by the first Jewish bibliographer, Rabbi Shabsai Meshorrer Bass, author of Sifsei Chachamim. He wrote, “Yom Kippur Katan: these are the tefillos said every Erev Rosh Chodesh, printed with commentary and beautiful thoughts in Yiddish. Authored by Nosson Neta Chazan of Prostitz; Prague Printing, size 4.” (Amsterdam, 1680, p. 28b # 20).